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This is the first design done from the suggestions received from a newsgroup. She is Arthurian with an over one face that is so real you can see her eyelids. This double sided graph gives the instructions for her to be stitched to the right or left or both as a pair. Also included is another legend for her gown to be stitched in blues so that it isn't a Christmas design. Stitched without wings she would look like a floating Lady of the Lake.

The blue version could be purple, pink or green as well... just pull the colors for the blue version then replace them with the same shades of any color you choose. Do not forget to change the beads too.

Marilyn has designed a detailed 1 strand over 1 thread face for Angel of Christmas......L&L 39. A
2 strands over 2 threads face is available and can be substituted for the original 1 strand over 1 thread face if the original face if you prefer.

Stitched on32 count

Stitch count

210 x 261

Design area

13 1/8" x 16 3/8"

Angel of Christmas


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